AI & Advanced Analytics bg

AI and Machine Learning for Real Outcomes. We help you discover deeper insights from complex data, delivering results that matter and improve over time. Join us on your journey to advanced data intelligence.

AI + Advanced Analytics
AI-Ready Data

AI-Ready Data:

We specialize in structuring and organizing your data to be AI-ready, ensuring seamless compatibility and maximized efficiency for AI applications

AI + Algorithms

AI + Algorithm:

We blend cutting-edge AI with sophisticated algorithms to analyze, predict, and automate, turning complex data into actionable intelligence.

IoT + Data Streaming

IoT + Data Streaming:

Our solutions enable real-time data analysis, providing instant insights and enhancing operational efficiency. Experience the transformative impact of making data-driven decisions in real-time.

Ad-hoc Data Analysis

Ad-Hoc Data Analysis:

A tailored approach allows you to explore your data beyond standard reports, uncovering hidden insights and opportunities.

Global electronics

Global electronics & automation corporation provides valuable proof of concept for data streaming bg

A global industrial automation and electronics components corporation asked One Six Solutions to build a streaming component for their data visualization.


Commercial printer operations: Capitalizing on IoT’s potential bg

Binaryworks was brought in to help build a data warehouse solution that could facilitate operations reporting using data gathered through IoT-enabled sensors.

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Global electronics

Global color management and hardware manufacturer streamlines data across retailer POS systems with two-way, on-demand data sync bg

Our client wanted to gather point-of-sale data from individual retailer workstations. Distribute new manufacturer data to these stations so retailers have the most up-to-date manufacturer data.

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